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Calculate your bitcoin-powered retirement

Change the values below to get a personalized estimate for your bitcoin retirement plan. As you enter more assumptions for your financial situation, fields will update live to help you discover how a bitcoin retirement plan can work for you.
This calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only, and cannot be relied upon as tax or investment advice. All returns are purely hypothetical and never guaranteed. Do not use this calculator as the basis for any investment decisions of any kind. Unchained makes no representations regarding the tax consequences or investment suitability of any structure described herein, and all such questions should be directed to a tax or financial advisor of your choice.

Basic information

These are the basics of your retirement aspirations—how old you are, when you hope to retire, and how long you expect to live. As you continue entering investment and growth assumptions in the sections below, you may find a sustainable retirement may be realistic at older or younger ages than you expect.
What is your current age?
How old are you?
What age do you plan to retire?
Unsustainable retirement
Sustainable retirement
How long do you expect to live?
Unsustainable retirement
Sustainable retirement

Investments and growth

These values comprise the basics of what your investment portfolio is today and what you expect it to be—from current balances to expected growth models for stocks, bonds, and bitcoin. Given the above target age assumptions, this section can help you discover how optimistic you need to be—or how much you need to save—to reach your retirement goals.  
Current balances
How much do you hold in each of these asset classes today? You can use 'Other' to account for real estate or other alternative asset classes.
Additional savings per year
How much more do you plan to save each year?
Other custom balances
Include other balances in your portfolio.
Asset Type
Tax Status
Tax status
Addt’l savings per year
Add Asset
Expected growth
How much more do you expect each asset class to appreciate each year? These values should represent nominal expected growth rates. For example, S&P 500 has a historical nominal growth rate of 7-10%.
Unsustainable retirement
Sustainable retirement
Unsustainable retirement
Sustainable retirement
Unsustainable retirement
Sustainable retirement
Unsustainable retirement
Sustainable retirement
Savings annual contribution growth rate
How much do you expect your annual contributions to grow each year?
Unsustainable retirement
Sustainable retirement
Other income at retirement
How much extra do you expect to make during retirement? (Ex. social security, pensions, etc.)
Unsustainable retirement
Sustainable retirement

Expected expenses

These values comprise your expected expenses in retirement. How lavish of a lifestyle do you plan to live after you retire? If you choose a frugal lifestyle in this section, you'll find that younger ages and more conservative growth models will allow for a sustainable retirement in the above sections. But note—the inverse is also true.
Annual expenses
How much do you expect to spend each year? This nominal amount will scale according to inflation.
Sustainable retirement
Unsustainable retirement
Long-term capital gains rate
Adjust this if you believe taxes will increase or decrease in the future.
Sustainable retirement
Unsustainable retirement
Expected inflation rate
What you believe average CPI inflation will be during your lifetime. If you expect disproportionately high inflation, remember to account for that in the growth expectations of your assets above.
Sustainable retirement
Unsustainable retirement

About this calculator

By modeling scenarios with and without bitcoin, this calculator helps visualize how bitcoin could impact your retirement plan. Whether you're exploring how to retire earlier, determining how much you need to save, or planning a legacy for your loved ones, this tool can help run the numbers.

About the chart: The chart shows different scenarios and how they would impact your portfolio balance across your lifetime. You may see three strategies displayed: Your bitcoin strategy, showing a retirement plan based exactly on your inputs above; Maximum bitcoin strategy, showing a retirement plan based on your inputs above where all tax-advantaged custom balances are rolled over or converted to bitcoin held in a Roth IRA; and 60/40 portfolio, showing the estimated performance of your total assets as if allocated to 60% stocks, 40% bonds.

How this calculator handles withdrawals: This tool assumes that, for individuals below age 59.5, non-Roth assets are liquidated first, with proceeds taxed at the long-term capital gains rate. If non-Roth assets are depleted, withdrawals shift to Roth assets, which incur a 20% income tax and a 10% early withdrawal penalty. Actual income tax brackets and early withdrawal penalties vary. At or above age 59.5, withdrawals are distributed proportionally across all asset types without penalties. If withdrawals begin below age 59.5, funds are drawn first from the non-Roth accounts, and after depletion, withdrawals move to the Roth accounts, incurring the associated taxes and penalties. For withdrawals at or above age 59.5, they are distributed proportionally based on each asset’s share of the total portfolio.

Your calculator inputs are only used to generate portfolio outcomes, which are for illustrative purposes only. The share button can be used to generate a link that will pre-populate the calculations on this page in their current state. This calculator does not account for unforeseen changes in market conditions, legal changes, or variability in returns. Consult a financial advisor for advice on how to interpret these results.
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IRA account types

Traditional IRA: A Traditional IRA is funded pre-tax. That means you will get a tax break now, and after age 59.5, withdrawals from a Traditional IRA are generally taxed at ordinary income rates. These will usually be funded by a rollover from an existing Traditional IRA or 401(k). They are generally best-suited for people who expect to be in a lower tax bracket when they begin taking withdrawals or otherwise prefer tax benefits “up front” rather than in the future. Contributions to Traditional IRAs give you current-year tax benefits because they are tax-deductible.

Roth IRA: A Roth IRA is funded post-tax. That means if you meet certain age and other requirements, withdrawals from a Roth IRA after retirement age are generally free of all taxes. Roth IRAs will usually be funded either by a rollover from an existing Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) or by a “Roth conversion” of non-Roth retirement funds. They are generally best-suited for people who expect to be in a higher tax bracket when they begin taking withdrawals. Unlike Traditional IRAs, Roth IRA contributions offer no current-year tax benefits as they are not tax-deductible. A Traditional IRA can be converted to a Roth IRA. The conversion will be subject to income tax, but will be exempt from the usual 10% penalty on early distributions. Some Roth IRA contributions can be withdrawn before retirement age tax-free, but the above calculator does not take this nuance into account.

SEP and SIMPLE IRAs: If you are self-employed, you may be able to contribute up to 20% of your “net self-employment earnings” with a maximum of $61,000 (the maximum for 2022, although this changes annually) to a SEP IRA. A SIMPLE IRA is a special type of group retirement plan for small employers that has declined in popularity over the years. You can usually roll any balance from a SIMPLE IRA into a bitcoin IRA tax-free. However, SIMPLE IRAs do have a special rule that rollovers are not allowed during the first two years of the account’s existence.

If you anticipate higher tax rates in retirement and/or expect your bitcoin or other investments to see outsized returns, the Roth IRA should be considered as a tax-advantaged vehicle for holding bitcoin retirement savings.

This information is provided for educational and illustrative purposes only, and cannot be relied upon as tax or investment advice. Unchained makes no representations regarding the tax consequences or investment suitability of any structure described herein, and all such questions should be directed to a tax or financial advisor of your choice.

Unchained Capital, Inc. is not a bank. Unchained Capital, Inc. (NMLS ID: 1900773), Unchained Trading, LLC (NMLS ID:2273761), and Bitcoin Collateral Services LLC (NMLS ID: 2423070) are licensed to provide certain financial services.

Retire by age
Years of withdrawals
Bitcoin at retirement
... at BTC price
Budget at retirement
Balance at retirement
Balance at death
Projected portfolio value at retirement
Your bitcoin-powered results
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