Unchained's mission is to provide premier financial services for bitcoin holders, but a key offering has been missing—tailored financial advice. To fill this gap, we're excited to announce Sound Advisory, a new affiliate registered investment advisory firm.
Sound Advisory specializes in incorporating bitcoin into personalized financial plans to help clients meet their goals. It is designed for two key groups: bitcoin holders without comprehensive financial plans, and wealthy individuals who want to add bitcoin to their portfolios in order to improve their performance.
By blending expertise in both bitcoin and traditional finance, Sound Advisory bridges the divide between legacy financial advisors and the needs of today's bitcoiners. It represents the future of financial advice in a world where bitcoin is here to stay.
If you already have bitcoin and have simplified your financial portfolio, why should you consider financial advice? A financial advisor can help you optimize your tax strategies, saving you on capital gains taxes if you ever need to spend bitcoin. They can help you stay the course and focus on your financial goals when the markets get volatile, ensuring you are in the market during the good days. And critically, a financial advisor who understands bitcoin can help you calculate whether financing a purchase with bitcoin, using tax-advantaged bitcoin, selling your bitcoin, or even charitably giving your bitcoin will save you money.
My story and Sound Advisory’s founding purpose
After getting married in 2018, my wife and I decided that it was time to be responsible and get our financial life in order by meeting with a financial planner. I had already been saving in bitcoin for many years at this point and it had become a substantial portion of my overall portfolio.
We scheduled some time with a large, reputable financial advisory firm and began the process. After the first call with the financial planner, I could already tell that they were going to ask me to “rebalance” my bitcoin position, which was not one of the financial cards I was interested in playing. I did what I thought was the right thing, which was just to hide my bitcoin net-worth from the financial planner, and just have them come up with a strategy for our “traditional” assets.
We ultimately decided that financial planning wasn’t right for us at that time and didn’t move forward with that financial advisor, and fast-forward over 5 years later in 2023, it’s clear that selling our bitcoin in 2018 would have been a grave financial mistake. Within 10 minutes of the intro call, I knew we weren’t speaking with someone who had the same understanding or conviction in bitcoin as we had, and I couldn’t see myself working with a financial advisor who hadn’t done their research on bitcoin.
My story is a common one heard all the time among bitcoiners. Many people have bitcoin but struggle to effectively incorporate it into their broader financial planning. That's why Sound Advisory was launched: to be a financial planning firm specializing in serving bitcoin holders.
Sound Advisory is a new affiliate of Unchained
The advisors at Sound Advisory understand both bitcoin and traditional assets. They can help bitcoiners use bitcoin strategically to achieve their financial goals, whether they already have some bitcoin or are just getting started. Unchained's collaborative custody services combined with the expertise of Sound Advisory can provide tailored advice to bitcoin holders looking to secure their assets for generations to come.
Sound Advisory was launched as a separate company to ensure that the Certified Financial Planners on staff have the freedom to offer only the right solutions to their clients, even if the right solution doesn’t involve bitcoin or Unchained at all.
The advisors are trained on how to manage bitcoin alongside traditional assets, and can advise on the right allocations of bitcoin to achieve specific life goals. Whether you are working and saving, preparing for retirement, or are beginning to think about how to pass your wealth onto your heirs, the team at Sound Advisory can help you. On top of that, they are technical bitcoiners who understand the proper way to secure it and pass it on to future generations.
Powered by Unchained’s collaborative custody and other services, Sound Advisory is here to deliver bitcoin to those who need it in their portfolios and deliver financial planning to bitcoiners who are trying to secure their bitcoin for generations to come.
Bitcoin is here to stay—and financial advice needs an upgrade
Gone are the days where you had to hide your curiosity for bitcoin or your bitcoin holdings from financial professionals. The advisors at Sound Advisory speak the same language and can answer all your financial questions. It’s financial advice for the new era.
If you’re interested in learning more, go to thesoundadvisory.com to schedule an appointment today.