
Established at block height 433179, Unchained Capital is the world’s premier bitcoin financial services company.

Bitcoin For Businesses

An increasing number of businesses are looking for ways to…

Will Cole

Trezor and Unchained Make Multisignature Safer

An open source collaboration between Unchained Capital and SatoshiLabs engineers…

Phil Geiger

The ultimate guide to bitcoin-backed loans

While you hold bitcoin because you believe it will increase…

Unchained Capital logo

Collaborative Custody: Tantra Labs + Unchained Capital

Unchained Capital is excited to be partnering with Tantra Labs…


Trust-minimized external recovery with Unchained vaults and Caravan

If the last decade of bitcoin has taught us anything,…

Phil Geiger

VoB: The End of the Beginning

A few weeks ago, I gave the attached presentation (see…

Parker Lewis

VoB: Bitcoin is Antifragile Presentation

A few weeks ago, I gave the attached presentation (see…

Parker Lewis

Gearing up the Caravan

Caravan is already the easiest way to build and spend…

Will Cole

AmberApp Enhances Client Security with Unchained’s Collaborative Custody

AmberApp is a fast growing bitcoin-only startup that focuses on…

Phil Geiger
Unchained Capital logo

Unchained Capital Welcomes Will Cole to the Team

Unchained Capital, Inc. is excited to announce it has hired…


The Caravan Arrives

Polish comes from the cities; wisdom from the desert. -Frank…


Open-Source Standards Unchained

SatoshiLabs recently announced the release of a new security standard…


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